Financial Efficiency and Equitability of Pulangi Watershed Rehabilitation Sub-Project in Bukidnon
The Japan Bank International Cooperation (JBIC) had poured-in substantial funding to the Pulangi Watershed Rehabilitation Sub-project (PWRS) for its rehabilitation. The Pulangi watershed in Bukidnon is essential for irrigating highly productive ricefields and generating electric power in Region 10. The PWRS aimed to improve the ecological balance of the watershed and to uplift the socioeconomic condition of the underprivileged community members using
the CBFM strategy/approach. This study examined the financial efficiency and equitability of the PWRS implemented by the People Organization-Community Environmental Development Management of Concepcion (PO-CEDAMCO) Incorporated. The study used descriptive and analytical methods in collecting, organizing, and interpreting data. Financial efficiency indicators, namely household and farm income were analyzed and Net Present Value (NPV) of the project’s reforestation component was determined. Equitability was analyzed by determining the evenness of the distribution of project benefits to the participants using Gini Ratio. Results of the study showed that the project did not yield the expected results. Positive economic condition and equitability occurred temporarily while the project lasted. When the project funds stopped,
the positive changes were unsustained. The NPV of the reforestation component was negative, equitability problem worsened as the economically affluent and local elites captured the project benefits. The project through the PO-CEDAMCO should adopt policies that would enhance participation of disadvantaged and poorest of the poor community members.
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