Implementation of the Expanded Students Grant-in-Aid for Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA) Program in the Philippines

Jennifer M. Montero, Maria Lady Sol A. Suazo, Annie Y. Samarca, Minda B. Brigoli


This study assessed the implementation of the Expanded Students Grants-in-Aid for Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA) Program as basis for policy enhancement. Quantitative descriptive design was employed in this study. Checklist was used in order to gather the data needed. To triangulate the responses of the respondents, random interview was done. The numerical data was subjected to descriptive statistic. The study found out that many of those belonging to the financially disadvantaged families were able to gain access to college. However, the grant does not necessarily propel the students towards increased academic achievements. On the part of the implementing SUC, administrative and academic schemes have been instigated in order to address the demands brought about by the swivel of enrolment and the needs of the respondent-grantees.


academic outcomes, gains and impacts, grant-in-aid program

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