Protocol for Organic and Sustainable Rice Production

Jonnie F. Huervana


The study aims to establish farming protocols for organic rice production and adopt the best farming practices in order to sustain the food supply needs of Filipinos for the whole year round and continuously year after year. The Randomized Complete Block Design with five treatments and five replications are laid out in twenty-five experimental plots with an area of twenty-eight square meters/plot. The treatments are the  following: Control (commercial fertilizer), Protocol 1- vermicast with indigenous microorganism (IMO),      fermented plant juice (FPJ), fermented fruit juice (FFJ) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3); Protocol 2-vermicast with Agropower, and Delgro Microbial Inoculant (DMI); Protocol 3- Only vermicast and Protocol 4- combination of protocol 1,2 and 3s. The results of the study reveal that different farming protocols tested for organic rice production are not significant regarding the yield of rice at dry weight basis (14% moisture content).  The results imply that the rice yield from the four farming protocols for organic rice production is  comparable with rice farming using chemical fertilizers.



farming protocols; farming practices; sustainable; rice production

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