Perception of Key Players’ Interest in Establishing Ayoke Island as a Tourist Destination in Promoting Economic Development

Mariae Khrisna B. Arreza, Sharon Lee R. Arreza


Ayoke Island is a small fishing community with over seventy families. Almost half of the island is a marine protected area, making it a perfect tourist destination that can contribute to the economic stability of the residents of Ayoke. The sense of community is the main factor that dictates the conditions of tourism development. The growth of tourism is unsustainable without the interest and participation of key players to act out their roles and responsibilities. The opportunity for Ayoke to become a tourist destination relies on the interest and understanding of key players to perform their functions. The involvement of key players in fostering the growth and development of tourism ushers the protection of the community and hinder abuse of the resources that harms the community and the environment. To capture the perception of key players that include residents and the local government, researchers conducted a descriptive type of study using questionnaires that indicate statements encompassing the roles and responsibilities of key players concerning the tourism development in their level of interest in establishing Ayoke as a tourist destination.  The study reveals that interest level in tourism development of key players is highly significant. The local government is extremely interested while the residents are not at all interested.



residents perception; level of interest; tourism development

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