Correlates Teaching Methods to Students’ Academic Performance

Jennifer Medrano Montero


This study aimed to compare the academic performance of the students using the four methods of teaching Algebra courses. It investigates how the pretest and posttest scores of the students in Algebra differ, as influenced by the four learning methods. The subjects utilized in the study were the First Year students of the College of Teacher Education who took up the College Algebra course. The study employed a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. A researcher-made test in Algebra was used to gather the data. The questionnaire underwent validity and reliability tests. The study used One–Way Analysis of Covariance to find the significant difference between the four methods of teaching. The findings of the study show that there is a significant difference in the scores of the students, after being exposed to the four methods of instruction. The problem-solving method showed to have a better effect than the other three methods, namely: structuring, puzzle, and lecture methods.


academic performance; methods of teaching; structuring; puzzle; problem-solving

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