Improving English Vocabulary Size of Elementary Tutees Through Word Attack Skills (WAS)

Lyzyl L. Banuag, Adelyne C. Abrea


Vocabulary size was germane in reading comprehension, particularly to second language learners of English. This action research aimed to develop Word Attack Skill (WAS) lessons for elementary tutees with limited vocabulary. The WAS lessons bent on seven main topics and twelve sub-topics composed of Auditory Discrimination, Consonant Sounds, Consonant Combinations, Vowels, Compound Words, Contractions, and Affixes. Determined during the planning phase and pre-test using Version A of the Vocabulary Test at 1000 Level developed by Laufer and Nation (1999), 13 out of 31 tutees were given WAS lessons right after their regular tutorial activities. A post-test using Version B of the Vocabulary Test was administered to find out the progress of the vocabulary size of the tutees. Based on the T-test results, the mean score of 35.9 (89.8%) in the post-test was significantly higher than the mean score of 30.4 (75.9%) in the pre-test. This indicated an increase in the vocabulary size of the tutees after they took the WAS lessons. Based on the findings, the areas to improve vocabulary size included Auditory Discrimination, Consonant Blends, Prefixes, and Suffixes.


vocabulary; vocabulary size; word attack skills

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