Word Formation Knowledge Through the Cantilangnun Linguistic Landscape

Annie Y. Samarca, Maria Lady Sol A. Suazo


This study is concerned with the Cantilangnun language. The purpose of the study is to describe the word-formation of Cantilangnun Dialect in Surigao del Sur. The method used in the study was the descriptive-qualitative method, specifically, discourse analysis. In getting the data, legitimate key informants were tapped using the purposive sampling procedure. The study was conducted in Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen, and Lanuza of Surigao del Sur. Two instruments were used, the guide questionnaire and the data from the Dialect of Cantilangnun of Ong (2004). Analysis at the morphological level is concerned with the structural elements of the words gathered. The language understudy can be richly described with both independent and dependent lexicons. Results of the study revealed the following word formations: derivational affixation, reduplication, compounding, which is further described as either exocentric and endocentric, category extension phonological processes which include assimilation and metathesis, deletion, and epenthesis. The researchers recommend including other grammatical features like phonology, semantics, and syntax to completely understand the grammatical features of the identified local dialect for pedagogical purposes.


affixation; Cantilangnun dialect; compounding; morphology; morphophonemic changes; qualitative; reduplication

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