Hazel E. Soliven


This study assessed the level of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation among livestock and poultry agribusiness firms in Northern Mindanao, Philippines. Specifically, this aimed to present the company profile regarding organizational size and determine the extent of TQM implementation: leadership, information and analysis, process management, human resource management, customer focus, and strategic quality planning. The study employed complete enumeration and used the responses of 307 farm workers in Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental, and Camiguin Island. A descriptive research design was employed to accomplish the research objectives. Primary data was gathered from livestock and poultry agribusiness firms through a personal interview using the pre-tested survey instrument. Quantitative analysis was conducted through frequency counts, percentages, and means. In general, it is observed that leadership (M=4.33) is a top priority, followed by customer focus (M=4.29), strategic quality planning (M=4.23), human resource management (M=4.10), and information and analysis (M=4.07). The least preferred implemented practice is process management (M=3.96). The overall implementation of these firms concerning total quality management practices is categorized as very much implemented, with a mean average of 4.16. This implies that Northern Mindanao still needs to implement total quality management fully. In conclusion, the majority of the livestock and poultry agribusiness firms are small, with farm workers ranging from 10-99 and the extent of TQM implementation is very much implemented throughout Northern Mindanao.


total quality management, agribusiness firms, livestock, poultry farms

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