Ma. Vanessa O. Balangiao, Angelo Mark P. Walag


The indigenous tribe of Higaonons can only be found in Mindanao Island’s northern and central regions. Like other indigenous groups, plants have always been part of the Higaonon culture. They use the plant for food, shelter, treatment of wounds and certain illnesses, and as offerings during rituals. Knowledge of the utilization and efficacy of plants is an integral part of the culture and is generally the basis for further pharmaceutical research and advancement. This study aimed to explore and document the ethnobotanical knowledge and practices orally transmitted by Higaonons. Interviews and direct observation were the research methods utilized to collect data, which were analyzed thematically based on the plant parts used and diseases or ailments treated. Results show that this tribal group has a vibrant system of knowledge and practices that are orally transmitted from one generation to the next. Specifically, they have rich ethnobotanical knowledge and practices on using and preparing different endemic plants to treat various common ailments and disorders. Philippine endemic plants were also used for treating common ailments and disorders ranging from relapse to diarrhea, stomach problems, fever, flatulence, body pains, and wounds. This study highlights the importance
of documenting the rich knowledge and practice systems of indigenous tribes, as these are not documented and are only transmitted orally. Moreover, the results also show promising baseline data for further ethnopharmacology studies.


cultural studies, ethnobotany, indigenous knowledge, natural products research, traditional knowledge

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