Elizabeth P. Parac, Fabio C. Ruaza, Jr.


The effect of the three anti-mitotic agents: colchicine, oryzalin and amiprophos-methyl on the induction of polyploidization in oil palm were studied in vitro. Each anti-mitotic chemical was evaluated on 4 and 7-day old oil palm zygotic embryos and exposed for 7 and 10 days. Ploidy estimation was determined using the measurement of stomata size of guard cells in leaves and chromosome counting in root tips of the treated in vitro oil palm. Results revealed that percentage germination rate based on the LC50 estimation of oil palm zygotic embryo treated with colchicine and amiprophos-methyl was higher (53-80%) at 5-10 and 1-10 mg/L, respectively. Stomatal measurement of guard cells and chromosome counting in root tips were found to be a promising index in determining the ploidy level in oil palm. In terms of chromosome number, the three chemicals increased the chromosome number of the treated in vitro oil palm from 32 to 48 which also supports the results on stomata measurement of guard cells that ploidization in treated oil palm has occurred.


polyploidy, guard cells, stomata, oil palm, colchicine, oryzalin and amiprophos-methyl

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