Human Development and Competitive Industrial Performance Index: Predictors of Poverty Incidence Across Countries

Mark Vincent T. Cortez


The occurrence from claiming destitution in the world is higher over the previous estimates have proposed. The main reason is that it has implicitly underestimated the cost of living in most developing countries. Conclusively, the latter indicates that to explain poverty incidence is to consider several explicit dynamics. Economies considered an industrial advancement for a better performance, human development, and resources to have an impact in alleviating poverty incidence of the entire populace. Human Development Index (HDI) ranking and Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index were used in the study as the predictors in determining the poverty incidence. Moreover, it aimed to generate a linear model on the poverty occurrence using these predictors in a given country. Based on the result, these two explanatory variables found to have significant effect on the poverty incidence. Therefore, in addressing poverty, the government should consider the human development and competitive industrial performance index in formulating policies and programs that were found in this study to have impact on poverty incidence.


human development index; competitive industrial performance index; poverty threshold; linear model

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