Jondy M. Arpilleda


This paper used the descriptive-correlation survey and qualitative method in finding out the relationship of the English teacher’s professional competences (educational attainment, years of teaching, and attendance at seminars/training) and employment profile (workload, number of preparation, class size, designation and part-time job) to their usage of authentic assessments in listening, speaking reading and writing. About 77 tertiary English teachers in Davao City were the samples of the study and 9 were purposively selected as participants in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Findings revealed that majority of the English teachers were not academically equipped; many are experienced teachers; and, a high number needs more training specifically designed on authentic assessments. The data also showed that their subject preparation is recommendable. But, their workload and the class size are not ideal for authentic assessments. However, these variables showed no link to the respondents’ frequency of using authentic assessments. The FGD participants disclosed that these results could be attributed to the applicability and type of the assessment procedure because there are some authentic assessment method s that are suited for their students and there also that are not. Moreover, those authentic assessments that were not always used by them take a lot of time if used in their classes. Only the respondents’ teaching experience and part-time teaching job variables demonstrated a significant relationship with their usage of authentic assessments in listening, reading, speaking and writing.


teaching experience, part-time jobs, authentic assessments

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