Rholey R. Picaza, Mark Vincent T. Cortez


Calculus is needed for many essential concepts in engineering and physical sciences. Its diverse applications in these fields require students to study and understand it rigorously; however, they find this subject very difficult. This study investigated the influence of attitudes and intellectual support on the academic performance of first-year college students studying calculus. A purposive sample of 211 students was selected from 233 enrolled students at Mindanao State University, General Santos City, comprising approximately 91% of the calculus students. The findings revealed a significant relationship between the intellectual support provided by peers and teachers and the students’ performance in calculus. Additionally, students’ attitudes toward calculus had a significant, albeit small, negative impact on their academic performance. The relationship between variables suggested that increased intellectual support positively influenced students’ attitudes towards the subject. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) results give credence to the claim that intellectual supports have a substantial effect on calculus performance, while attitudes have a small negative effect. However, attitudes and intellectual supports correlated positively, suggesting that fostering positive attitudes through increased intellectual support could be beneficial. Based on these findings, it is recommended to bolster the learning environment with robust intellectual supports and to focus on enhancing students’ attitudes towards calculus, despite the small negative effect observed.


intellectual support, attitudes, achievement in calculus, SEM, Philippines

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