Rosario Clarabel C. Contreras, Remedios D. Catamin, Nelma T. Quindipan


This narrative research aimed to determine the cultural practices associated with indigenous rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) production, vis-a-vis varietal diversity in Panay, in Supanga, Hilwan, Binolosan, Garangan, Tapaz, and Bingawan. Farmers have been growing indigenous rice from the mountain barangays who were the participants were interviewed as to the association of rice to their cultural knowledge and practices. Thirty samples have been collected from the farmers. They planted indigenous rice because the land is sloping which is ideal for fancy rice. This type of rice does not require commercial fertilizer but only organic materials that were decayed naturally. Rice has very particular purpose for their tradition or cultural practices especially during festivities and ceremonies like marriage, and baptism. The community folks served wine processed from fancy rice called Pangasi to visitors and guests. People from the community offered Sapal and other native delicacies such as suman, ibus, alopi, and many others during ceremonies. What makes rice so vital and preferred is its unique characteristics and besides when cooked, rice is soft, aromatic and palatable with or without viand. Specifically, this research documented the preservation of cultural practices and local knowledge associated with the cultivation and use of indigenous rice varieties that will push knowledge on the diversity of rice and determine farming practices. The study is one way of reclaiming peripheral knowledge and putting them at the center of academic discussion and literature.


cultural practices, indigenous rice, local knowledge, varietal diversity

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North Eastern Mindanao State University (NEMSU)
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