Roselyn G. Malong


Good governance rests upon the principles of transparency, accountability, openness and the rule of law. In Participatory governance, problems are identified and solutions are being enacted wherein all sectors and organization in the community are represented. This mutual participation is done through interaction between the governing organization and its citizens who help identify what the problem is, who is experiencing it and what appropriate solution may be addressed. This study assessed the Participatory Governance practices and the effects of participatory governance to the community by looking into the programs and projects implemented along Participatory Governance. To this end, the study employed a qualitative research design using interviews and focused group discussion to the key informants. The study revealed that Participatory Governance is an efficient and effective government strategy because it allows active participation among officials and constituents in all government affairs. With this, the principles of transparency and accountability can be exercised. Further, People’s participation increases programs and projects implemented by the government because a sense of ownership is felt by the citizens and they would take care all the barangay projects.


participatory governance, programs and projects, effects

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SDSSU Multidisciplinary Research Journal (SMRJ)

North Eastern Mindanao State University (NEMSU)
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