Rosario Clarabel C. Contreras


This descriptive-correlational study determined organizational change as influenced by administrators’ leadership behavior and faculty work commitment among external campuses of West Visayas State University for AY 2014-2015. An adapted questionnaire was used to gather data from the 203 randomly selected respondents taken entirely and categorized as to campus classification, educational attainment, academic rank, length of service and campus classification. The result was processed using the statistical tools such as Mean, and Standard Deviation for descriptive analyses and Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney and Spearman’s correlation for inferential analyses. The status of organizational change for external campuses as a whole was highly stable. Faculty members were all highly committed to their job. There is no significant difference on organizational change when categorized as to sex and length of teaching experience but differs significantly as to the rest of the variables. Administrators’ leadership behavior differed significantly when classified into campus classification, educational attainment, academic rank and length of teaching experience. Work commitment differed significantly when classified as to campus classification but did not significantly differ as to other variables. There were significant positive correlations between organizational change and leadership behavior, organizational change and faculty work commitment as well as leadership behavior and faculty work commitment.


organizational change, leadership behavior, faculty work commitment

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